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Sunday, May 19, 2019

8 foods you should not keep in the freezer

8 foods you should not keep in the freezer

Proper storage of food is one of the main ways to save money and reduce food waste.

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Storing food in the freezer is very convenient. But saving properly saves money and reduces food waste.

Refrigerators can store cooked and leftovers, or increase the shelf life of food purchased at marts or markets.

The problem is that not all foods are suitable for this type of storage. Especially, there is food to be in the freezer room separately.

Although all food can be frozen, certain foods lose their flavor or texture at such a low temperature.

To avoid this, we want to know about the nine foods that should not be stored in the freezer.

1. Salad vegetables

Food that should not be kept in the freezer
The best thing to do to enjoy the flavor of fresh vegetables from salad is to make only the amount you want to eat.

But do not put it in the freezer if you have left it. This will cause the leaves to wilt and lose their delicious flavor.

Instead, rinse the vegetables, dry them with a kitchen towel, put them in plastic, and store them in the bottom compartment of the refrigerator.

However, the freshness will be reduced soon, so I will eat the next day.

2. Milk

Whether or not milk is kept in the freezer depends on the intended use.

If you try to drink as usual, it will be lumpy and thawed when stored in the freezer.

But if you want to use it to make desserts, cakes or other dishes, you can freeze up to 24 hours without problems.

3. Non-peeled eggs

Food that should not be kept in the freezer
As you all know, the liquid in the freezer becomes solid, swollen and takes up more space.

Eggs are no exception, and freezing eggs makes a big mistake.

The inside of the egg becomes harder and swollen, and the shell is broken. The worst thing is that eggs will burst and smell very unpleasant in the freezer.

The best way to keep an egg is to put it in a cell under the refrigerator or in a cool place in the kitchen.

4. Sour cream

Sour cream loses its flavor and texture when stored in the freezer. As a result, this is very poor, and sometimes it is worth not to be included in other recipes.

It is best to check the product information and eat as soon as possible.

5. Yogurt

Food that should not be kept in the freezer
Plain yogurt or greek yogurt will change texture when left in the freezer for a few days.

Some types may be okay, but in most cases the ingredients may be lost.

6. Cheese

Cheese is also one of the dairy products that can be easily damaged when stored in the freezer. In this case, the cheese may become hard, crumbly, and even tender as it may turn into sand.

Thawing may make it harder to add to other recipes, and you will not be able to experience a pleasant flavor as fresh.

7. White eggs

Food that should not be kept in the freezer
Do you have any egg whites left? If so, use it as a natural pack for your face or hair.

Trying to store it in the freezer will eventually damage the sticky texture and other features.

If you try to thaw, it will stink and ruin the recipe you were trying to try.

8. Potatoes

Potatoes have a lot of moisture content, so crystals are formed when they are placed in a freezer. Trying to use it will soften and change the flavor.

Nevertheless, if you want to freeze, it is best to first cook a little in hot water.

The best way to keep potatoes in perfect condition is to keep them cool, dark, and above all dry.

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