Although kidney disease warning signals appear together, most do not have anything to do with each other. However, it is good to see a doctor for confirmation.
The kidneys are organs located in parallel with the spine behind the abdomen. Now, let's look at seven of these kidney disease warning signals.
The kidney plays an important role in overall health because it controls electrolytes, blood pressure, and body fluids. Like other organs in the body, kidneys are also exposed to the risk of infection or disease.
Kidney disease is not common, but it is usually not easy to diagnose because symptoms do not appear early on. The only way to judge correctly is through blood and urine tests.
However, there are some physical signals that can indicate the occurrence of this abnormal disease.
From now on we will look at the seven most common symptoms of kidney disease. It is important to consult a doctor immediately if any of these symptoms occur.
1. Kidney Disease Warning - Chronic Fatigue
Chronic fatigue occurs when cells fail to properly supply oxygen through the blood, which may be due to kidney problems.
The kidney plays an important role in the production of red blood cells, which can not produce enough red blood cells if the kidneys are damaged.
2. Kidney Disease Warning - Skin itching
The kidneys excrete many toxins in the bloodstream through the urine.
If the kidneys do not function properly, waste accumulates in the tissues. In this case, it is common to feel itching or arching under the skin.

3. Edema
Fluid retention, or edema, is one of the clear signals of kidney disease.
There are a number of factors that cause edema, but kidney dysfunction is the main cause. The kidneys regulate moisture and sodium levels in the body, and kidney dysfunction breaks this balance. This symptom may occur when a large amount of protein is lost through the urine, which is called nephrotic syndrome.
Inflammation is usually concentrated on the feet and ankles, but can also occur on the arm, face and other parts of the body.
4. Anemia
Anemia can also be a signal that kidney disease is a serious condition.
The kidneys are responsible for hormone production, known as erythropoietin (erythropoietin), which causes bone marrow to produce blood cells.
In severe renal insufficiency, this function may be impaired, leading to a rapid decrease in the number of red blood cells, which can lead to chronic anemia.
5. Back pain
Pain in the back or flank can be a sign of potential kidney disease, especially in the elderly. Although not very common, these symptoms can also occur with kidney stones or urinary tract infections.
When this happens, most of the disease is very severe, and it is accompanied by other symptoms such as urinary inconvenience or burning.
This symptom should be distinguished from myalgia. This is because it is an important key to early detection of serious disease.
6. Urine change
Knowing the urine status when the kidney is healthy is very important in determining the warning signal of kidney disease.
When the function of the kidney starts to fall, the following symptoms occur.
The urge to urinate during the night becomes stronger.
Bubbles appear in the urine.
The urine becomes dark or stinks.
As the amount of urine increases, it becomes a very pale color.
It is difficult to urinate more than four times a day.
Incontinence occurs.
Blood is mixed in the urine.
Read this article: Health status of eight urine colors
7. Bad breath
If you smell ammonia in your mouth or feel a taste of iron, this may be the result of accumulation of toxins in the bloodstream due to kidney dysfunction. This mood symptom is difficult to control, even if you care enough about oral hygiene.
All of these symptoms can be caused by a variety of causes, but it is worth checking if they are caused by kidney disease.
If you are worried, you should talk to your doctor and ask for proper tests to make sure everything is normal.
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