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Monday, May 20, 2019

Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency

Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency

Are you tired? Is the immune system weak? Maybe vitamin D is lacking. This article examines the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D, together with other vitamins and minerals, is a lipid-soluble nutrient that regulates the function of the body's major systems.

It can be obtained naturally when exposed to sunlight and can also be ingested through food or nutrients.

Vitamin D is known to be essential for calcium and phosphorus absorption to keep bones and teeth healthy. Above all, vitamin D is an essential nutrient in muscle, brain, heart, and other organs that affect quality of life.

But not everyone is getting enough of this nutrient. The lack of vitamin D tends to cause some symptoms and even worse health problems.

Therefore, it is good to remember the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency. I remember this symptom. If you want to be deficient, let 's eat the vitamins every day.

Let's see what happens when vitamin D is lacking!

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency
1. Weak bones and muscles

Decreasing vitamin D weakens muscles and bones.

This is because magnesium, which is a necessary minerals for keeping muscles and bones in a healthy state, becomes unbalanced.

2. Depression
When Vitamin D is deficient, it becomes more sensitive, changes moods frequently, and can lead to depression.

Because vitamin D is associated with hormone secretion, a lack of these vitamins can cause specific changes in mental health.

3. Inflammation and pain
Like other essential nutrients, vitamin D is also associated with inflammation in the body. It helps prevent sensitization to joint disease or pain.

The lack of vitamin D increases the likelihood of suffering from these problems and treating chronic pain becomes more difficult.

4. Dental problems
The lack of vitamin D causes problems with calcium use and absorption. It means that there is a higher probability of cavities or infections.

In addition to inflammation problems, gums may become red, inflamed, or bleedable.

5. Hypertension
As your blood pressure increases, you should look to see if any nutrients are lacking.

There are many reasons for this cardiovascular disease, but the lack of vitamin D can lead to complications.

6. Chronic Fatigue
If absorption of vitamin D is not done well, physical and mental activity problems occur. For example, severe fatigue appears.

I can not do what I originally do as usual.

7. Weight gain
Because vitamin D is a fat-soluble nutrient, people who are overweight or obese should consume more.

When the amount of this vitamin is reduced, the metabolism becomes complicated. This will make it difficult to maintain a healthy weight.

8. Asthma
Vitamin D deficiency also affects lung function. This can make asthma treatment difficult.

An adequate amount should be absorbed into the body to help asthma treatment. Because these vitamins block proteins that cause inflammation in lung tissue.

9. Increased cholesterol
Vitamin D is also associated with the removal of bad cholesterol (LDL) from the bloodstream.

If you do not take vitamin D properly, bad cholesterol is likely to increase. This raises the risk of cholesterol-related problems naturally.

10. Cold and Flu
When Vitamin D is deficient, there is also a problem with antibody production by the immune system. It means that you are more likely to get a cold or flu.

If these vitamins are not enough, the respiratory tract and tissues will be more easily stimulated.

11. Intestinal problems
Problems associated with fat absorption are also associated with vitamin D deficiency. In other words, it affects the onset of intestinal problems.

If you have any of the following symptoms, you should take more vitamin D.

Sensitivity to gluten
Crohn's disease
Inflammatory bowel disease
Excessive sweating
If you do not take enough vitamin D, changes in hormones will result in excessive sweating and other symptoms.

People who lack Vitamin D tend to be particularly sweaty in the head.

Do these symptoms appear? If so, you should suspect vitamin D deficiency. You should take more vitamin D through your food and get a little more sunlight.

But be careful when sunbathing. If you do not protect your skin properly and get sunburn, it can cause harmful problems.

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